DJ's Agloco Blog - Do You Agloco?

Do you Agloco? Don't worry it's not to late to join the AGLOCO community, sweeping across the internet. Follow my blog as I track my Agloco network, post news, and give referral advice.

My Agloco Referral Network Update #1

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Direct Referrals: 34 ( UP 21% from 28)

Indirect Referrals: 31 ( UP 82% from 17)

Total Referrals: 65 ( UP 44% from 45)

Ranking: 3.92 % of all members

These are some great numbers I can only wish to maintain. Obviously people are signing up at a rapid pace as the release date to the viewbar approaches. These next two days I will begin passing around flyers around RMC's campus, and other various locations. This should provide a initial boost in direct referrals, followed by a subsequent boost in indirect referrals. I should also see a boost in indirect referrals as many of my referrals have created Facebook groups that are gaining popularity.

My Goals:

By next week (2/14):

Double my direct/indirect referrals to 68/62 respectively.

Rank in the top 2.5% of all members.

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At February 12, 2007 at 3:03 PM , Blogger humanaka-dabaka said...


Have you created these banner ads on your site, can i make use of them on my blog as well. Please let me know?
Do provide with tips on how do i grow my referral network, I am from India.


At February 12, 2007 at 6:43 PM , Blogger DJ's AGLOCO said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. The banners are from and they are free to use by anyone.

Check back in a couple hours, I will be posting on ways to increase referrals offline.



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