DJ's Agloco Blog - Do You Agloco?

Do you Agloco? Don't worry it's not to late to join the AGLOCO community, sweeping across the internet. Follow my blog as I track my Agloco network, post news, and give referral advice.

DJ's Agloco Blog reviews - John Chow dot com

Friday, February 23, 2007

Tonight I was doing my rounds online, checking out all the s that are my favorites and John Chow's Blog caught my eye again. No, not his next update, or even the eloquent pictures from his latest Canadian restaurant review. It was “Review My Blog – Batch 22”. The program offers a free linkback for a review of John Chow’s Blog, “ranked 388th most popular blog by Technorati”. Check out the program here.

To be honest the only reason I check out John Chow’s blog everyday, are for his updates. Not only, does he update his referral network total, but he also gives valuable information for both members and non-members of Agloco. It didn’t take him long to convince me to sign up for Agloco nearly three weeks ago. When I learned he had made over $25,000 from Alladvantage, and he already had 3,000 referrals, I couldn’t wait to sign up.

In fact, I still have his post "How much you can make from Agloco” added on my favorites section. His blog is well organized and easy to navigate, but I enjoy the high level of reader involvement on his blog the most. His “review my blog, for a backlink” program is just another way he is helping out the average blogger increase their traffic and rankings. I would like to encourage everyone to consider reviewing John Chow’s blog for a free linkback.

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The Agloco Blog : News and Updates

The recent update on the company's focused on the statement of not being "Too good to be True". The truth is, you're not getting something for nothing. You're giving the viewbar a small share of your computer monitor, which Agloco and many advertisers consider extremely valuable.

The internet advertising industry is booming, as companies are tying many different ways to get their information in front of your eyes. This, is why having the viewbar on your monitor is so valuable. By having an active Agloco on your desktop, you designate Agloco to be your middleman. This makes Agloco money and, in return Agloco pays you back. In the big picture, having an active Agloco viewbar n your screen makes you money for doing what you would ordinarily do.

So why does Agloco use a referral system?

Should you choose to build your agloco network, you are building the Agloco community and making it more valuable. Your payment is the time and effort into an or other advertising tool, as well as risking your reputation, in an effort to build Agloco. For those who take the risks of building an Agloco blog or website, there will be significant rewards if Agloco succeeds.

Agloco's concept is growing fast around the web. I just googled and got 1,600,000 results, and by googling "Agloco Blog" 26,500. According to the Agloco company blog there are hundreds of thousands of Agloco members. Which is quite possibly the largest pre-launch community on the Internet.

It is our job to make Agloco even larger.

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Top 10 Agloco Referral Tips

Thursday, February 22, 2007

While checking the other Agloco Blogs, I came a accross a very interesting article on Agloco regarding the "Top 10 Agloco Referral Tips". This top ten is a great reference tool to give your direct referrals after they sign up for .

Here is a summary of his top 10 , for the full post check out the

1. Use TrafficSwarm and other free traffic exchanges to get thousands of new visitors daily to your blog and splash pages.

2. Use Google Adwords to get highly targetted traffic to your blog and splash pages.

3. Create a Squidoo Business Lens. Our Squidoo Lens “Become An Agloco Founding Member” can be found here.

4. Get a Blog - An . I’ll be surprised if you don’t have one! You can have one for free at and its very easy to use.

5. Exchange blog links with others. For those interested to exchange links with us, you can place Do You Agloco on your Blogroll and reply to this post.

6. Send emails to your friends and online buddies.

7. Add links to your forum signatures and email signatures. Engage yourself in various forum discussions online.

8. Join AGLOCONNECT and make full use of the free advertising tools created for you.

9. Get additional traffic by listing your or site at AGLOCO Directory.

10. Introduce at eBay and YouTube where large communities of users are active.

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Do You Agloco Blog - Now on Squidoo!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Check out the Do You Agloco Blog - Squidoo Lens!!!

Squidoo can be a very effective way of promoting Agloco. I would suggest you build you own "lens" on Squidoo if you have your own or website.

Squidoo is a network where thousands of people create handbuilt catalogs of the ‘best stuff’ online. The Squidoo concept is for users to create “lenses” that are of interest to visitors.It’s also a free and fun way to make your own page and get traffic, as well as a place to find what you’re looking for, fast.

The "lenses" on Squidoo are ranked overall and by category. Two days ago when I created my lens on Agloco, I was ranked 86,000+ by Squidoo. After one day I moved up to the top 1700 lenses. The goal of most Squidoo users should be to get into the top 100 lenses or be featured as "Lens of the Day". Reaching any one of these would bring signifcant traffic to your agloco site. I will track my Squidoo ranking on my weekly referral updates.

So check out my Squidoo page, rate it, and make your own!

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My Agloco Referral Network Update #2

Monday, February 19, 2007

Direct Agloco Referrals: 40 ( UP 18% from 34)

Indirect Agloco Referrals: 39 ( UP 26% from 31)

Total Agloco Referrals: 79 ( UP 22% from 65)

Ranking: 3.30% of all Agloco members

I am satisfied with where I am at this point, with about two to three weeks before the agloco viewbar is launched. I will strive for the goal of 100 total referrals in my agloco network before the is released.

I started an Adwords campaign about three days ago, and should see an increase in my direct referrals within this week. I have found the most success with the keywords "ways to make money", "", and "agloco". Though most of the clicks have come from the content network.

To all those that have signed up under me, Lets get our networks rolling before the is launched. If you have any question please email me or post a comment. Thanks

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